About Me

Ahmad Masoud/Ahmad Nooredha
Turtle Lover


The never ending love diary
MarLia family
genesis and angeal


Mei 2009


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Ahad, 3 Mei 2009

It was on sunday,19 april 2009, we were on pantai serasa, where snakes for sale, yeah i want to buy it but no , too expensive and dangerous, but fun too hold like cold meat on your body moving, yeah something like that, just dont let it hold u back. :)


Turtle Man blogged at 6:22 PG

26 turtles, WOW

Turtle Man blogged at 6:12 PG

iani gambar of SOMEBODY ONWED about 26 TURTLES. I am trying to "kalahkan" this guy by breaking his record, my target is 30 turtles, but i fail, my pool is not that big, so my target is 20 tutles. This guy has about 6 red eared slider and 20 malaysian box turtles.WOW.But he doesnt have a leaf turtle, haha i win.

Turtle Man blogged at 6:02 PG

About 11 turtles in the tub
This is the picture of my turtles,this is on sunday i dont know when, but this was before i bought another 7 turtles. That took me 2 months to buy 7turtles, that is long. GUESS how many turtles.

Turtle Man blogged at 5:52 PG

Actually, aku start membali some turtles pada 18 december 2008 on friday,there were 2 of those turtles.As time went by, more tutles i bought from the petstore and markets. Now i got about 18 turtles,thought to be exhausting but no, there fun to watch and play with.

Here are my turtles
1.RED eared slider 6turtles
2.ASIAN leaf turtle 3turtles
3.malaysian BOX TURTLE 8turtles
4.Soft shell turtle 1turtle

Turtle Man blogged at 5:31 PG